Friday, 31 March 2017

Understanding Providers in AngularJS

In our previous Article, we discussed about service and Factory. Here is the complete details about Providers.
Provider allows us to create and inject a service into configuration phase of our application. For example, If we want to set API key to access the application, we can set the API key via provider and pass the provider to the application while its in config phase.

Module.config(function ($provide) {

$provide.provider(‘globalSetting, function() {

this.$get = function {

var appname = “My 1st Application”;

return {

appName: appname




1.     Inject $provide built-in service in config method.
2.     Create a provider service by using $provide.
3.     The Provider service function has 2 parameters
i.        The provider service Name.
ii.      Function
4.     The provider must have this.$get function

5.      Return the object literal from this function

Now the “globalSetting” provider is available for all other components. Because it has some properties and methods in a object.

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